Credits: HASTAC thread
* Bernstein, Charles. “Play it Again, Pac-Man.” Postmodern Culture 2,
no. 1, 1991.
* Bogost, Ian. How To Do Things With Videogames. Minnesota UP, 2011.
* ________. “Videogames are a Mess.” Keynote address, Digital Games
Research Association (DiGRA) Conference, 2009. Published at author’s
personal website
( /videogames_are_a_mess.shtml) [1]
* Bogost, Ian and Nick Montfort. “Platform Studies: Frequently Questioned
Answers.” Conference paper. Digital Arts and Cultures Conference (2009).
Published at author’s personal website.
( ds/bogost_montfort_dac_2009. pdf [2]).
* Consalvo, Mia. Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames. Cambridge: MIT
Press, 2009.
* Costikyan, Greg. Uncertainty in Games. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.
* Crogan, Patrick. Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture.
Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2011.
* Dyer-Witheford, Nick and Greig de Peuter. Games of Empire: Global
Capitalism and Video Games. Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2009.
* Flanagan, Mary. Critical Play: Radical Game Design. Cambridge: MIT Press,
* Galloway, Alexander. Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture. Minneapolis:
Minnesota UP, 2006.
* Garfield, Richard. “The Design Evolution of Magic: The Gathering.” In
Fullerton, Tracy, and Christopher Swain. Game Design Workshop. CRC Press,
2008 (pp. 191-205).
* ________. “Metagames.” Gygax, Gary et al., eds. Horsemen of the
Apocolypse: Essays on Roleplaying. Jolly Roger Games, 2000.
* Geertz, Clifford. “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.” The
Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books, 1973.
* Hickey, Dave. “The Heresy of Zone Defense.” Air Guitar: Essays on Art
and Democracy. Art Issues Press, 1997.
* Jenkins, Henry. “Inventing the Digital Medium: An Interview with Janet
Murray (Part One).” Posted on author’s blog 20 Feb 2012
( 02/an_interview_with_janet_mur ray.html [3])
* ________. “Games, the New Lively Art.” Hosted on MIT server
( /henry3/GamesNewLively.html [4])
* Juul, Jesper. The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video
Games. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.
* Lenoir, Tim and Henry Lowood. “Theaters of War: The Military
Entertainment Complex.” In Schramm et al. eds. Collection, Laboratory,
Theater: Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century. Walter de Gruyter
Publishing, 2005.
* Mäyrä, Frans. “Gaming Culture at the Boundaries of Play.” Game
Studies 10, no. 1, 2010. ( rticles/mayra [5])
* McGonigal, Jane. “‘This is Not a Game’: Immersive Aesthetics and
Collective Play.” In Melbourne DAC. Melbourne, 2003.
* McLaughlin, Thomas. Give and Go: Basketball as a Cultural Practice.
Albany: SUNY Press, 2008.
* Neilsen, Henrik Smed. “The Computer Game as a Somatic Experience.”
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 4, no. 1, 2010 (pp. 25-40).
* Nutt, Diane and Diane Railton. “The Sims: Real Life as Genre.”
Information, Communication, and Society 6, no. 4, 2003.
* Pearce, Celia. Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games
and Virtual Worlds. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009.
* ________. “Identity-as-Place: Trans-Ludic Identities in Mediated Play
Communities — The Case of the Uru Diaspora.” Conference Paper.
Internet 9.0: Association of Internet Researchers (2008). Published on
author’s website
( e3/PearcePubs/PearceAIOR08.pdf ). [6]
* Steinkuehler, Constance. “The Mangle of Play.” Games and Culture 1,
no. 3, 2006.
* Taylor, T. L. Raising the Stakes: E-Sports and the Professionalization of
Gaming. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012.
* ________. Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture. Cambridge:
MIT Press, 2009.
* Wardrip-Fruin, Noah and Pat Harrigan, eds. First Person: New Media as
Story, Performance and Game. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997. (SELECTIONS)
* ________. Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable
Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007. (SELECTIONS)
* Wark, McKenzie. Gamer Theory. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2007.
* Bernstein, Charles. “Play it Again, Pac-Man.” Postmodern Culture 2,
no. 1, 1991.
* Bogost, Ian. How To Do Things With Videogames. Minnesota UP, 2011.
* ________. “Videogames are a Mess.” Keynote address, Digital Games
Research Association (DiGRA) Conference, 2009. Published at author’s
personal website
* Bogost, Ian and Nick Montfort. “Platform Studies: Frequently Questioned
Answers.” Conference paper. Digital Arts and Cultures Conference (2009).
Published at author’s personal website.
* Consalvo, Mia. Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames. Cambridge: MIT
Press, 2009.
* Costikyan, Greg. Uncertainty in Games. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.
* Crogan, Patrick. Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture.
Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2011.
* Dyer-Witheford, Nick and Greig de Peuter. Games of Empire: Global
Capitalism and Video Games. Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2009.
* Flanagan, Mary. Critical Play: Radical Game Design. Cambridge: MIT Press,
* Galloway, Alexander. Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture. Minneapolis:
Minnesota UP, 2006.
* Garfield, Richard. “The Design Evolution of Magic: The Gathering.” In
Fullerton, Tracy, and Christopher Swain. Game Design Workshop. CRC Press,
2008 (pp. 191-205).
* ________. “Metagames.” Gygax, Gary et al., eds. Horsemen of the
Apocolypse: Essays on Roleplaying. Jolly Roger Games, 2000.
* Geertz, Clifford. “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.” The
Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books, 1973.
* Hickey, Dave. “The Heresy of Zone Defense.” Air Guitar: Essays on Art
and Democracy. Art Issues Press, 1997.
* Jenkins, Henry. “Inventing the Digital Medium: An Interview with Janet
Murray (Part One).” Posted on author’s blog 20 Feb 2012
* ________. “Games, the New Lively Art.” Hosted on MIT server
* Juul, Jesper. The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video
Games. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.
* Lenoir, Tim and Henry Lowood. “Theaters of War: The Military
Entertainment Complex.” In Schramm et al. eds. Collection, Laboratory,
Theater: Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century. Walter de Gruyter
Publishing, 2005.
* Mäyrä, Frans. “Gaming Culture at the Boundaries of Play.” Game
Studies 10, no. 1, 2010. (
* McGonigal, Jane. “‘This is Not a Game’: Immersive Aesthetics and
Collective Play.” In Melbourne DAC. Melbourne, 2003.
* McLaughlin, Thomas. Give and Go: Basketball as a Cultural Practice.
Albany: SUNY Press, 2008.
* Neilsen, Henrik Smed. “The Computer Game as a Somatic Experience.”
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 4, no. 1, 2010 (pp. 25-40).
* Nutt, Diane and Diane Railton. “The Sims: Real Life as Genre.”
Information, Communication, and Society 6, no. 4, 2003.
* Pearce, Celia. Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games
and Virtual Worlds. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009.
* ________. “Identity-as-Place: Trans-Ludic Identities in Mediated Play
Communities — The Case of the Uru Diaspora.” Conference Paper.
Internet 9.0: Association of Internet Researchers (2008). Published on
author’s website
* Steinkuehler, Constance. “The Mangle of Play.” Games and Culture 1,
no. 3, 2006.
* Taylor, T. L. Raising the Stakes: E-Sports and the Professionalization of
Gaming. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012.
* ________. Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture. Cambridge:
MIT Press, 2009.
* Wardrip-Fruin, Noah and Pat Harrigan, eds. First Person: New Media as
Story, Performance and Game. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997. (SELECTIONS)
* ________. Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable
Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007. (SELECTIONS)
* Wark, McKenzie. Gamer Theory. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2007.
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